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St. bernard grooming

19 14:03:45

I have a short haired St. Bernard.  I have been trying to keep up with her grooming as much as possible especially her undercoat.  Just recently I notice that she was having alot of dandruff. Could this be due to the fact I am grooming her to much?  If not what is the best solution to reolve this situation?

Hello Jim, Usually alot of dandruff is the result of an internal lack of a certain vitamin.  Or if you are bathing her every week and not rinsing completly then that could be a problem.  I give my lab cod liver oil at every dinner feeding and this has made a big difference in his dander/dandruff.  He swims often and the salt water was drying his skin out so to compensate I give him cod liver oil.  Now if you choose this medthod start your dog out on a small dose and increase weekly to get him up to 2 table spoons at least daily.  You will notice results in about 4 to 6 weeks.  I say slowly or you could bring on the runs.  I have not seen any results using topical lotions or oils it usually works best giving something that works from the inside out.  Extra brushing will not cause extra dandruff, not rinsing the shampoo completly out will.  Good luck, Thanks, Cindy lou :)