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Cocker spaniels Coat

19 11:57:14

Hi just got our new addition to the family, she is a 5 yr old cocker blue roan ( I think) However she was an ex gamekeepers dog, he neglected her and left her in the kennels in his back garden for 2 years.  She was living in her own filth and now her beautiful coat is not white, but a muddy brown colour.  And also the rescue had to cut her her to get all the matts out and she looks very odd.  Could you please tell me how long it will be before her coat can be groomed and clipped the way it should be and how the get horrible colouring out of her fur. And any suggestions on how to get her coat looking healthy and shiny. Any help would be gratefully received .  Thank you

Hello Jayne, How wonderful that she has you in her life now.  Have her groomed in about 3 months, even though she may not have all the hair grown back, it will be good to set the pattern and get her used to a regular grooming every 6 to 8 weeks.  Keeping the hair at a manageable length.  As for the staining, as her hair grows this staining should also grow out and her natural color will come in.  You usually can not wash out staining, you have to wait for it to grow out.  Giving her a healthy diet with lots of vitamins will surely have her coat shining in no time, Usually food you find at the pet stores such as Imes, Natures Choice... are great.  And find a vitamin that contains cod liver oil, this will add shine for sure.  Good luck with your new addition and in a years time she will have such a transformation the previous owner wont be able to recognize her.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)