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puppie wont sleep alone

19 11:15:36

Ihave a nine week old Newfoundland puppie , during the day he is a good as gold but when it comes to night time and bed he will not stop crying i have slept with him for the first couple of nights to settle him in but now he wont sleep by himself , do you have any ideas on how to overcome this ?When people are with him he is good i know he is still young but i do not what him to think it is ok to cry all night hope you can help thank you.

Glenn, you are right; he's still a baby, and he just needs some time to settle in to his new life. He's used to sleeping with his litter mates, most likely, so he needs to get used to sleeping by himself. One thing you can try is to turn a radio on real low for him, or to put an old T-shirt that you've worn (but not washed yet) in with him so he will feel like you are close. No matter what, you must ignore his crying. If you give in and go to him when he's crying, you've taught him to keep crying until someone comes.

Where do you have him sleeping? That might also be part of the problem.