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Mini Poodle Grooming

19 11:07:29

QUESTION: Hi- for the last six years I've been grooming my rescue mini poodle. Mostly the lamb cut with clippers that have the comb attachments. Because I wasn't sure I would be able to do learn to groom her I purchased an inexpensive pair to start. She is groomed every four to six weeks it's time to purchase another pair. I am willing to make an investment and think these are the most important considerations: not to get hot, one pass clipping, low vibration, low noise and will not snag hair. Could you make any recommendations?

ANSWER: Try one of the better-quality Andis clippers. They are quite nice.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: There are so many to choose from. Because I don't know what I am looking for like the SPM or the size I don't want anything too big for me. Could you suggest a couple of models from that company as a starting point? Thank you so much for your time.

I would recommend one of the two-speeds, and then it is just a question as to whether you would prefer one whose body is round or square. The weights are the same, but the square ones are a 1/2" shorter in length. Possibly pick one whose price is "middle of the road" like the AGC 2-speed or the Plus+ AG 2-speed.