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border collie has lumps near nipples

19 10:37:50

hello - my 10 year old border collie has mini lumps near, on, and around her nipples on either side.  she has never had puppies -she was spayed.  she also has never had these before - but she is itching them, nipping them, and biting them.  they are now red and inflammed, and i'm not sure how to look up this kind of rash or skin ailment online.  

i am thinking of making an appointment with our vet for tomorrow or as soon as possible.  if there is anything i can do for her in the meantime to relieve the burning or itching, please let me know (hydrogen peroxide? rubbing alcohol? although i'm not sure those are safe for animals)

* just to let you know - she has never had a case of fleas, but has had history with ticks. i'm worried these could be deeply embedded ticks?

If she can lick the area and you can't cover it in some way, then I wouldn't put anything on the spots.  You could try a t-shirt though and tie a knock in it on her back so it's tight around her waist (if that covers the spots).  If you can cover it and guarantee that she's not going to be able to lick off whatever you put on, you could use an anti-itch cream, like benadryl lotion or Gold Bond (think that's the name of it).  Both are over the counter.  Also, if you  have an Elizabethan collar (the big, plastic, cone that goes around the neck), that would prevent her from getting to the area.  I've seen them at Petsmart.  Rubbing alcohol would most likely burn and irritate the area more.  And I'm not sure about Hydrogen peroxide.

Good luck at the vet.  I hope it's just something she's irritated and nothing serious.