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Cocker Spaniels

19 14:16:49

Every time we take our cocker spaniel to get groomed, it is usually after his hair has grown out pretty long. and then we get it really short. and when he comes home he seems to be depressed. We arent sure if our other dog is distreating his because of it? or what... ?? Is that normal?

Hello Jessica,  Most of the time this will occur for a few different reasons.  One could be; When you come back to pick him up you feel sorry for him and react with sympathy. Because all of his hair is gone.  He feels this and feels that something must be wrong.  If you returned to pick him up and acted as if he looked like a show dog and made over him likewise then he would believe he looks like that.  Another would be; yes the dog at home will sniff him and act as if you brought home another dog, this too could make him feel defenseive and different. It is mostly his mental attitude about the whole ordeal.  Praise him and make him feel spectacular.  If you tell him he is beautiful then he will believe it.  Try taking your other pet also just for a bath and nails.  Then you avoid the coming home results as both will smell different.  Good luck, Cindy lou :)