Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > pug possible seizure activity;

pug possible seizure activity;

19 9:24:33

This morning my pug woke me up about 4am. It sounded like she was screaming. She has never made this sound before. It was very scary to me. She was in bed with me. I immediately started petting her & talking to her and she stopped. Do you think she was having a nightmare or a seizure. She is 8&1/2 years old. I have had her since she was 6 weeks old. I do not crate her and I take her with me places so it's not seperation anxiety. Her body was not stiff and she did not lose control of her bowels or bladder. She was moving her head but she does do that when dreaming...please help

Hi Kristy,  Oh, I loveeeeee PUGS!  It sounds to me like this little pug was having a doggie dream.  Thanks for providing such good info for me!
Doesn't sound like a seizure to me.  If it happens again, you may want to talk to your local vet and have some blood work done.
Otherwise, don't worry...

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Marie Peppers LPN MA