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Blk Lab hairballs?

19 12:00:13

I know you state no questions on vomiting but I am not sure this falls into that.
Our roughly 18 month black Lab has suddenly tonight started to cough up what ammounts to hairballs. Its a much of saliva with hair in. But its not just one or two piles, she seems to be doing this every half hour or so for the last 2 hours. Other then that she is acting normal, eating fine, releving herself fine.
The only recent change is due to the ice everywhere we have kept her inside more then she is used to, but still take her out about 8 times a day for about 15-20 minutes each time.
I have never had a dog with hairballs so I have no clue what to do or if this is even normal!

HI Jo!
I've never heard of that either!!  Are you sure she didn't eat something like a toy or something that looks like hair?  If she is doing it as often as you say, something is not right.  If she continues to do so, I would take her to be checked.  She may have something lodged in her stomach that is causing this.  I really have never heard of a dog having hairballs, and I can't help but wonder if it's something else with the appearance of hair. Keep an eye on her , if it continues, take her to a Vet. I hope all goes well.

God Bless,