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flying with pets

19 14:07:47

She is a mix of Stafferture Terrier and something else we are not sure. We adopted her from the SPCA.


Followup To
Question -
What do you recommend for flying our dog rosie with us to Oregon? I have come accross a few animal shipping services but am wondering what your clients  have done and been satisfied with or even companies and/or airlines to avoid. We are on a budget but do not want to sacrifice rosies's safety in any way. What is your opinion?  We are flying out of Sac to Portland OR
Answer -
Could you tell me what kind of dog rosie is?

Hello Sara,  I know with the recent loss of the whippet at westminster it ups the concern for flying your pet.  To bad she is oversized for a carryon carrier, she will have to go in cargo.  The problem usually incurred with dogs flying in cargo is that most airlines do not heat nor air condition that area.  Ask when you call them.  Also most will not let you put a lock on the carrier in case of emergency.  A lock would ensure the door stays shut, it is believed the baggage carriers might have opened the whippet's crate door to pet it and did not close it securely.  Ask this question also.  Find a carrier/crate that a water bottle can be attached inside the carrier, even if she is not hot, she will be nervous and will pant alot.  Familarize her with a water bottle before hand.  As for the airline choice, see which one answers your questions the best.  Also ask for a safety report for that airline specifically detailing animals in cargo.  Many people do fly their pets this way with no problems, I hope you are one of them.  Just ask questions and be informed.  Thanks, Cindy lou :)