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My dog bite a little girl

19 10:42:31

I hope you can answer my question here it is. Well my five year old female Golden retriever/Border collie. Was outside my front door wanting to come in. And i heard a growl and then a bark about 5 minutes after. So i opened the door and i saw these kids run off. Perdy came in with her head down and walked right into the kitchen. Later on i found out she had bit a 6 year old girl. The bite peicered the skin but didn't bleed. It looked like a large nip really. The mother was angry i hasn't talk to her myself. But friends have said she rang the police about it and she taken her to get a injection then ringing the police back to tell them how serious the bite was. I really want to know if after this she will be put to sleep? Perdy goes out on the front and plays with the children. She has ever bit or growled at a child before. And i didn't think she would do something like this. Hope you can give me a answer thanks


Hi Hannah,

Laws vary depending on local, so I can't say which absolute certainty  that your dog won't be put down. However, in most cases they don't put dogs to sleep for this kind of an incident. Call your local town hall or police office, and just ask them what's the law for where you live. You don't even have to give your name.

Because this happened on your property, the children were trespassing. You may need to show that your dog has been vaccinated against rabies, and pay a fine. You could consult with an attorney if you feel the fine is unjust.

You should consider putting up a fence. More to protect your dog, from people, than people from your  dog.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
