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7 month old Boxer loves eating grass

19 9:23:34

My 7 month old Boxer has a tendency to eat grass. We feed her on a diet of 2 thirds dry food to 1 part raw chicken mince and some steamed veggies (carrot, broccoli and beans) for tea and mornings consist of dry food and puppy milk. I have heard that they look for grass because they want to throw up or because they are lacking nutrients. She rarely throws up so I was thinking it is more nutrient based. Is there something else I should be feeding her?


Hi Narelle,

A seven month old puppy should not be getting milk. After a puppy is weaned (at around 5 weeks of age) they become lactose intolerant, and milk can lead to loose stools or an upset stomach.

Many dogs eat grass for no other reason than because they like it, it isn't related to poor nutrition. Some dogs eat grass because of an upset stomach. Stop giving your dog milk, and see if the grass eating stops.

As long as the lawn isn't being treated with chemicals and your dog isn't regurgitating the grass, it's safe to allow your dog to eat grass.

I hope that helps.
Best of luck,
