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Mini snuzers(?)

19 13:42:11

Hello, I want to get a minture snuzer(?) next summer and was wondering do they require alot of exercise? I know they don't shed much its why I think I'd like one of them, I love the terrier spunkiness and currently have a labrador retriever, jack russell terrier and boston terrier ages three years, two years and 6 months. sexes female/male and female spayed/neutered and to be spayed. I was planning on another female with my JRT's temperment I think another male would be 'suicidal.

My questions are:

will a ten minute daily walk be ok for exercise? she would have the other dogs to play with during the days also.

Are mini's really barky? an they be silened with a loud be quite'?

Do they like the outdoors or are they more of an indoor dog? my dogs all love the outdoors but my boston isnt liking it so much right now its in the -10's(C.) outside.

Thank you for any help you can offer ojh and p.s is there coat rough like a brocken JRT's?

They actually need less exercise than the jack, female is good an the coat is more wiry.  The broken coat is a little softer than a schnauzer unless it goes to the silver then it can be very soft.  Pick the most layback in the litter and she might now  bark as much.  Mine never barked, but some that I groom have never been corrected and bark alot.  They respond very well to training.