Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 1yr old Maltese lost a tooth ; canine baby teeth;

1yr old Maltese lost a tooth ; canine baby teeth;

19 9:25:45

My 1 1/2yr old Maltese lost a tooth today. We've had her for 4mo., she was a rescue. She's never had a tooth cleaning. She's a beautiful, healthy, happy girl and eats a very good food that she loves. Is this reason for alarm? The tooth is very tiny and looks like a double tooth.

Here is a good dental treat-  your Maltese can have 2-3 per day.... Great breath and helps to clean the teath:
My Maltese loves them:

Tooth Brushing in a cookie!  Fresh Breath too,  See here:

How is your girl doing?  No more problems with the baby tooth?  Stop by anytime to ask a question..  Tell your friends about me
Just share this link;
ASK the Pet Nurse:

Hi Claudia, I bet it was a baby tooth that never fell out.  Sometimes they get all the adult teeth and retain a few baby teeth, too.  That's why the tooth seems so small.  ( This is a good guess as I am not able to see for myself)

Next time she is in for her vaccinations, take this up with your Vet.  They should check the area and should find she has all her adult teeth.  It can't hurt to have them good her a good oral check-up next time your are in.

No reason for alarm.  As long is there is just a trace amount of blood and no discomfort.

BEST wishes !

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

Please make sure you baby Maltese is on a good Supplement like NuVET-
My pets and 900 of my Clients all take 1/2 to 1 NuVET wafer per day.
( they have a powder, too)

SEE here:

All my Sales of NuVET Supplements go to help Rescued pets get out of Shelters.   (20% is donated by me....)

Plus this is a great Natural product that has no junk sugars and fillers.  
Keep the pets healthy and make LESS trips to the Vet.