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Standard dachie

19 12:00:12

my dachie is almost 7 yrs old and weights 20 lbs. he has diarrhea. and not wanting to eat.  we are iced in and can't get to vet. is there something i can give him. he never gets sick.

Hi Robin,
Diarrhea is generally caused by eating something that doesn't agree with the sytem, such as getting into garbage or some other stuff that is not the normal feed for a dog. It could be an intestinal virus, just like humans have.
However, sometimes it means that something is seriously wrong.  If your dog has sever diarrhea for more than 24 hours,or if along with the diarrhea there is a fever, vomting, abdominal pain and/or excessive thirst, you need to call a Vet.   The diarrhea could be a very minor thing, but if these things are all present, you need to have him checked out right away.
To answer your question, yes you can give him some kaopectate to help stop the diarrhea and sooth the stomach.

Usual Dose and Administration
For dogs and cats:  0.5-1.0 ml/pound by mouth every 4-6 hours. Treatment should only be needed for 1-2 days. If the vomiting and/or diarrhea persists for more than 48 hours; the pet has a fever, is depressed or shows abdominal pain; or the pet does not continue to be active and alert, contact your veterinarian. Further treatment may be needed.

Here is something I found on the internet that I think might also help:
Step 1: Remove all food for 12 to 24 hours. Water is important to prevent dehydration in severe diarrhea. It should not be removed.

Step 2: If blood appears or if diarrhea continues for more than 24 hours, contact the veterinarian. He or she will probably want to see a stool sample.

Step 3: After at least 12 hours, treat the dog by feeding it a bland diet such as boiled skinless chicken and rice (50:50 mixture). When stools begin to form, slowly phase back to regular diet. Kaopectate can be safely used for dogs.

CAUTION: Some Kaopectate includes bismuth salicylate as an ingredient. This should not be used in cats unless directed by your veterinarian. Dogs that may have an allergy to aspirin, or are taking aspirin, steroids, or another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as Rimadyl, EtoGesic, or Deramaxx should not be given the formulation with bismuth salicylate unless directed by a veterinarian.

Hope this helps!
God Bless!