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19 9:56:37

I have a 2 1/2 year old female American bulldog that is yellowing my grass. I found on the web that when protein is broken down is causes nitrogen and that is what is killing my grass. What is the least amount of protein I can feed her with out doing any harm? I also bought some pills that claim to stop this problem. The pills contain dl-Methionine. What is this and will they do her harm as well?
Thank you



You should ask your vet if you want to medicate her - he would know what to give and how much, and if it is safe.  However, in my opinion dogs have certain requirements for nutrition and it is not safe to try to affect the content of her urine by restricting food. The yellowing of the grass is a normal result, and rather than try to medicate the dog for what is a perfectly normal occurence, it might be a better idea to take your dog to a designated area to relieve herself. If you train her to go in one place, she will be happy knowing what to do and where to do it.

Hope this helps!