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4 year old Cockapoo bathroom training

19 9:23:11

I inherited my sister's cockapoo last year. I currently have a 10 year old Golden Retriever who is a perfect dog and was hoping he would help in my "recovery" training. My cockapoo Callie is 4 and she spent a lot of time in a crate for her first 2.5 years. My sister and her family are not dog training type people. Callie is very picky about when and where she poos. She gets taken out in the morning for 20 or so minutes. Sometimes coming back in to poo right near the door. I am in an apartment so it's not just letting her out in the back yard. She stays in the crate if no one is home, and when I get back from work (3:30pm), I let her out to her normal spot in a field, sometimes she goes sometimes she doesn't. From 5pm- 10 pm, we go outside about once an hour, and I tie her to a lead and she will not poo on the lead. I am enforcing positive behavior when she goes outside and I do not punish her unless I catch her in the act. She is very sneaky and after being on the lead outside for a while, she'll come in and sometimes go behind table and poo. after she does it, she runs to hide her in kennel, even before I notice. I have her on a daily routine with structure in meals and outings, however she stays inconsistent.  I need help! Thanks!

Step 1:
Make sure someone can be available for an entire week to train the puppy. You can make up a schedule and have your family members sign up for different times so that the puppy is not left alone.
Step 2:
Buy a WizDog Indoor Potty (see Resources). Place this potty in a location where you want your puppy to consistently go to the bathroom.
Step 3:
Bring your puppy to the indoor potty as soon as you wake up in the morning. This will teach the puppy that it will get a chance to relieve itself first thing in the morning. Don't leave the indoor potty until the puppy goes to the bathroom.
Step 4:
Get a treat for your puppy and make sure that you pet your puppy and let it know that you are pleased with it going to the bathroom on the potty. Puppies react well to the fact that they pleased you.
Step 5:
Take your puppy to the indoor potty after each meal and long nap. This is the time that puppies will naturally have to go. Stay with the puppy until it goes.
Step 6:
Put your puppy's water bowl up for the night around 8 p.m. and then take your puppy to the indoor potty one more time. This will empty the puppy's bladder so that it won't have to go during the night.
Step 7:
Walk away from your puppy if it has an accident. Don't give it any eye contact or attention. The puppy will see that it hasn't pleased you and it will not want to do it again.
Tips & Warnings
Stick to the 7-day schedule, and your puppy will be potty trained without a problem.
Yelling and hitting your dog for an accident will not teach it any lessons.

Thanks for your question,
