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19 11:47:48

How can I stop my puppy from eating her own poop? She's  left alone for long hours and cannot watch her while I am out. I also need to get her potty trained, I have a problem with her pooping and peeing in the same stop and sometimes peeing in the carpet. Also, she just turn about 19 weeks and began to chew everything.. How can I stop this from happening? Also, Do puppies lose there their teeth?

Well a good way to stop a puppy from soiling the house is to use a crate when you are out or sleeping and as soon as you wake up or come home,let the puppy outside

As for poop-eating there is a product called "deter" and it's a pill and it works pretty good and can be bought as most petstores

Puppies lose there teeth at all different times,depending on the individual,but if any puppy teeth are still in after 6 months,they need to be pulled