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bloat and elevated bowls?

19 10:19:41

our golden gulps her food. She has elevated food and water bowl...I will try big ball but should bowls be on the floor?
Thank you.

Hi Erica,

Thank you for writing to me about your Golden.

Elevating the food bowl is controversial.  First it was yes, then no, then yes again.  My personal preference is to keep it on the floor because wolves, cousins to our dogs, do not eat at the table..they eat on the ground.  Dogs, much like wolves graze..they follow scents along the ground and they nibble on things they find.  Their "kill" is eaten on the ground.  The water they drink is from a stream or river.  Nothing in nature is elevated unless they are nibbling on berries.

Gulping isn't healthy, especially for a large chested dog.  Place a large rock in the center of the bowl.  I would also try hand feeding and praising the dog each time it daintily takes a morsel.  Move on to placing one bite of food in the bowl and praise.  Do this until the dog starts to understand that eating slowly is rewarding.  You are teaching your dog patience.  This may or may not work, depending on the drive, but the rock will.

Be sure that your dog waits one hour after exercise to eat as well as two hours after eating to exercise.  This will help prevent bloat.  Feed wet food as opposed to dry and give a digestive enzyme (Prozyme is excellent) prior to eating.  This will help your dog digest and absorb the food.

Also important is to check your dog's health.  Check for worms/parasites, including Giardia.  Have a biochemical profile done (Dr. Kruesi at Cold River Vet - he will work long distance, or Dr. Newkirk at Margate Animal Hospital - he will also work long distance) to determine what nutrients your dog is missing.  

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis