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Help dog sick

19 13:37:15

I've just realized that my shih tzu dog "Jasper" is sick.  He won't hardly walk and when you feel his abdominal area it is rock hard and trembling.  Can this just be constipation? I tried to call my vet but I can't get through until morning.  We had another puppy in the house and I thought he was just being grumpy and jealous.  Is there something I can do now?  I gave him a half of a baby aspirin.  Also I had some carpet cleaner on the carpet "Resolve" powder, do you know if that would poison him?  Thanks Kelley

Hi Kelley,
yes it may very well be the carpet cleaner that is causing this problem.  If you still have the container, look on the back. There is usually an 800 number that you can call. I would try to find out if it is poisonous to animals. If you no longer have the container, look online. You will need to know the ingredients when you go to see your Vet.  The fact that he won't walk concerns me.
You can make your pet vomit by giving him household hydrogen peroxide, a 3% solution, about one tablespoon for every ten pounds.  Put it in a syringe without the needle, tip his head back and squirt it towards the back of his throat.  If you don't have a syringe, a turkey baster will do the same, or any pharmacy will give you one.  He should vomit within five min. If he doesn't, wait ten min, and try it again.  Do NOT give a third dose.   DONT use syrup of ipecac, it is toxic to pets.  
OR.... you can give him some milk. The milk will dilute any poison and at the same time will coat his stomach, helping to soothe the irritation.
I could be wrong, but I really do not think it is just a case of constipation.  He wouldn't be trembling, he would be straining to "go", and wouldn't have a problem walking.
Don't give him anymore aspirin. I don't think it will help in this situation.  Watch him closely.  If he becomes lethargic or starts having seizures, take him to an emergency Veterinary clinic. Look in your phone book, most cities have one.  It wouldn't  hurt to call them anyway, explain the symptoms and get their advice.  I hope Jasper gets to feeling better.  
God Bless,

Is Jasper drooling?