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My Labrador retriever is bitten by a street dog

19 14:16:32

My Labrador retriever [male, 18 months] is bitten by a street dog.

I imeediately asked my vet to administer anti-rabies injection, although he was vaccinated earlier.

My question is: in the most unfortunate event that he caught rabies, is his saliva harmful for me? For instance, if he salivates and I touch the saliva, will it be harmful for me?

Rabies can be contracted only through blood contact. Simply touching the saliva will not harm you (unless you have an open wound where you've touched the saliva). Your dog can pass it on only if he bites you. Even the most well-mannered dog can and will bite if infected by rabies. The disease is simply too strong for them. I hope, however, that this is not the case. You made the right decision in vaccinating your dog immediately after he was bitten.

Hope this helps!