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6mth Yorkshire Terrier losing hair on hind quarters

19 11:33:41

Cindy, we have two Yorkies and one has very fine hair and as of late portions of the the hind quarters has lost it's fine long hair to very coarse short hair.  They currently year a holistic diet and I use oatmeal shampoo from the groomer.  I know puppies break coats/color several times as they mature but I've never seen anything like this and have owned Yorkies for approx 25 years.  Thanks

Hello Lori, you have every right to be concerned, I would probably treat the puppy for mites/sarcoptic mange.  What you describe can happen with mites, even complete hair loss.  It is very simple to treat, use Adams flea dip for one and wash everything the puppy has contact with in the same dip.  The next step or the first step depending on your preference would be to have the vet get a skin scraping to look under the microscope and tell you for sure.  good luck, Cindy Lou :)