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Labrador retreiever slowing getting overweight Help!

19 13:56:30

Hello again Becky, I have spoken to you several times in the past regarding my dogs. My oldest dog now is my female Labrador retriever she is going to be three this December 21st... almost a Christmas baby :). Anyway my two full grown dogs...her and my almost two year old male jack russell terrier were on Lite Authority for weight loss and matience (from Petsmart only) they wre being free fed everyones weight was good, but I recinitly brought home a baby Boston terrier she is now just over 3 months old, she isnt supposed to eat there food and them hers so I opted to put the adults food where she couldnt get it for the first little hwil but now she can reach it so it wont work anymore, Her food I offered too her several times a day. She is incredibly picky because of her teething and because she has extremly tight nostals(noticed AFTER I brought her home... by the first vet apointment she had with my family vet) she is getting a nasal stenosis this friday.... she has diffaculty breathing through her nose at all and gulps offen.  Anyway To get them to all eat aat the same time everyday(the little one gets offered food two more times a day then the adults), i have been mixing soft with hard and they all eat on time thou unless its something the little one really likes smeared over her food she eats a few kibbles and leaves. I am mixing assorted food brands/types with there foods...some for overweight na djust plain adult for the older dogs and puppy assorted types for the little one.... My labrador is getting slightly tubby around her rib area... its very noticeable... she is extreamly active with my jack russell and runs around the yard and wreales him everyday and they get walked together everymorning before work around aprox two square blocks. They don't get many tretas and what they do get are quaility rawhides for there teeth or dental sticks or mid sized milk bones, they get around two milk bones each per day(the littlest gets small pieces or puppy milk bones). The adults are few morning and evening is this too much? Why is my lab getting overweight?  Should I feed her only one hearty mela a day but devide it into two smaller meals so she can eat along with the other dog(s)?  I don't have a whole lot of extra time for more exercising as I work 4 days a weeka dn one weekend day we go out and the other to I tend to sit back  and relax.... Please let me know what i should be doing to lower her weight.... I have to probe her sides to feel her ribs... shes still got a waist thou, thanks you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

Hi Tara!

I bet your little Boston is adorable. They are so cute when they are just little puppies.... not that they aren't when they are older, but when they are little, they remind me of little wind up toys!
About their weight.  You may want to try what I do.  My dogs are so spoiled, they think whenever I come home, it's time to eat.  I guess this habit started when I would go to work, then come home and feed them. Now I am working two jobs, plus I come home for lunch to let them out and spend some time with them, so NOW everytime I come home they bark and have a fit to eat.  So, what I do is feed them three meals a day, but these are small portions.  The three feedings equal one normal size feeding. This makes them happy, shuts up the constant barking if I don't feed, and they are all in good weight and health.  Try it, you might be surprised how well it works!  Also , why don't you try cutting down to just one milk bone a day. You can break them in half, and actually give it to them twice a day, but the caloric intake will be less.  
Don't cut back too much on your puppy though. She needs puppy food during her growth period and if you have to, separate her for any additional feeding she may require. Just play it by ear.  If they slim down a bit, then you can go back to the two milk bones a day.  But I really think if you cut down the size of their meals, that they won't really notice and I think it's better for them anyway not to eat so much at once.

God Bless,