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behavior of my saint bernard

19 11:16:55

hi,i have a one year old saint and she is very playful agressive toards people. everytime someone walks in she is jumping all over them and biting. i have tried obedience and some you have any other ideas on what i could do?

Keep up with the training. It sounds as if your dog does not respect you as the leader, so you really need to stay on top of her. I highly recommend that you begin "Nothing in Life is Free (NILIF)" with her. You can find lots and lots of information on NILIF by doing a search for it at so I won't go into great detail about it here. Basically, it requires that your dog 'earn' everything by following a command.

When you have visitors, put her on a leash and make her behave, or put her in another room or in a crate. It could be that your visitors are encouraging her behavior by giving her attention when she jumps on them. Tell them to IGNORE her completely (no looking at her, no talking to her, and no touching her). She should figure out that she's not getting anywhere by jumping or biting at them, and eventually go off and leave them alone. This method takes time, but if your visitors can do as you ask and ignore her, it will work.