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Older Lab and change in behavior

19 11:51:53


I have had my black Lab for about 6 years.  We do not know his history or actual age but the vet guessed he is about 9 or 10 by now.  He has displayed over the last year or so what I call grumpiness, like a grumpy old man.  He is less tolerant of other dogs, even the ones he lives with.  Tonight he went after aggressively our golden retriever, his best canine buddy.  It appeared unprovoked and is something he has never done.  I am worried and really not sure what to do first.  I don't want something bad to happen to him or anyone else, so I would like to get a handle on this.

They do get grumpy in their old age, and he is an old man now.
Does he have any problems with Arthritis?
This can make a grump out of you. I know, I have both kinds and it makes a grump out of me sometimes.
They don't complain much when they hurt, so we don't always know.
I have used the Telington-Touch methiood of animal massage foir years, with great results. It is a great training tool, and can stop aggression, excessive barking, fear of thunderstorms and other anxieties, and it is wonderful for pain relief with fewer meds.
You can go to this website and read about the things that can be accomplished with the massages, and you can order a video to teach you how to do the different massages.
I really recommend this!
I am able to keep my senior dogs moving better and more pain free, so they can enjoy longer lives, and not be so miserable from hurting so much.
If the Golden wanted to play, and is younger and doesn't understand the older dog's pain and/or tiredness, that could have been what the aggression was about.
He has lived a long time, and been a good companion, now he needs to rest when he wants to.
Give him a good comfortable place to get off by himself and not be bothered when he needs to.
Go check out the massages for companion animals at