Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > bitch isnt on her season bt gt stuck?

bitch isnt on her season bt gt stuck?

19 9:32:48

Hi there i own 2 british bulldogs and my partners brother who is living with us at the moment has an American akita, my 10month old bull has jus finished her season and the other bull is 2 and a half years old but isnt due into season 4 a couple of months, earlier today my niece let my 2 year old bulldog out of her kennel into the garden with the american akita and they mated and got stuck. I am a bit confused as she isnt in season? Could she get pregnant as i am really worried as he is such a big dog and she is small, i am very upset about the whole incident as you can imagine. any information you have will be very much appreciated.

I have had this happen myself with a much bigger male to female,, it is literally a forced mating by the bigger dog and could injure the smaller one.  My little dog was not in heat either but my other bitch was and the big dog just smelled the blood and mated with whoever he could find.  My little dog was hurt and had to go on antibiotics.  She is probably not pregnant because she wasn't ovulating, but it had to have been painful AND unwanted.   He bullied her into mating because of his superior size and strength...You might have her checked out.  
If by chance she had come into heat because your other bitch was, then she could be pregnant.  One bitch can bring another into season early.  If this is the case, there is a shot out there that will prevent pregnancy.  It must be given by a vet.
Sorry to hear this