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St. Bernards

19 10:22:58

We are interested in a two year old male St. Bernard that needs a good home. I have read everything about the breed but can find no answers on is it still able to be trained at 2 years of age? Please help.

Hi Valerie-

With a little patience, all dogs can be trained at any age. The old stand by "You cant teach an old dog new tricks" is entirely false. Many older dogs learn easier then puppies, as they are calmer and can focus easier. You didn't mention what you are interested in training him in/for? Housetraining? Walking on leash? basic obedience? Cart pulling? Let me know and I can offer you some pointers.

There have been many, many times that I have rescued a dog from the shelter that knows nothing about anything. Has never been on a leash, never been in the house, never been around people. With patience, love, respect and a little bit of time, I've been able to easily transform them. The only thing I would not recomend (if you do not have training experience) is taking on a dog that needs serious behavioral work- for instance a dog that is aggressive, dominate, or vicious towards other animals.

Let me know what kind of training you need to do, and I can help a little more. But don't let something small like not being housetrained, or never been on a leash, distract you from a lovely dog that you really want, and needs you!

Good luck, and thanks for adopting!