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Discolored fur

19 14:07:45

I have an 8 month old brown and white Shih tzu who's fur has turned an orangie red color around her mouth, feet, and tail. Do you have any idea what is causing this and how to keep it from happening?


That discoloration is from being wet. Dogs with white hair around the mouth will get the orange color from the mouth being wet (drooling, drinking, etc..) The feet may discolor just from wet grass, but usually they turn from licking. Does she lick her feet allot?  Some dogs lick their feet like a human bites their nails. Sometimes they will also lick their feet due to allergies. When you say her tail is orange...I am assuming you mean under her tail...same thing, moisture from urine or from her licking.  I will be honest with you...there is nothing you can do for it. Keeping her hair short will clean it up, but it will return as long as the hair continues to get wet. This is why white dogs usually have the orange tear stained eyes.  White hair and wet don't mix.