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puppy with diarrhea and now rectal bleeding

19 9:41:24

My dog was neutered recently, and had 4 baby teeth extractions. he's in a pack of six dogs, all rescues, that have all been together for nearly a year. He's 2 weeks post op, and just started signs of slight diarrhea, in the past 18 or so hours.. not a whole lot, but a 5 -6 times in the past say 12 or so hours, no pain, or lethargy, eating same food as always, and to my knowledge may have eaten or chewed on a garden snail or wood chip from the garden which is typical. It is our yard, there is no gardner, no pesticides, or anything toxic I'm aware of and all the other dogs share same yard, and none of them seem to have any upset or bowel issues??
Other than the few episodes we wittnessed today with the diarrhea, there have been no other signs until about 15 min ago, (it's the middle of the night here,, )
H is crated in our room, along with the others, and he woke me up  really urgently whining to take him out, after a short bout with diarrhea, I brought him back inside and he was rectally bleeding? Not profusely, but enough for it to be alarming. He had sat down to wait for me to bring him back to bed, and when I picked him up to hold him, and check to see if maybe he needed me to wet wipe his bum from the loose stool, there was bright red blood on the floor where he had sat, and when I wiped him gently with wet dog cleansing wipes, there was quite a bit more blood?? I can't afford the ER vet, and  so I am waiting , in panic, hoping if possible,he can be okay for the next 1.5 hours or so  possible for my vet to open iand see him?
.. Just wondering what I should do in the interim? and if he may be contagious, and if this sounds life threatening to you? In my entire life of dog ownership,( 30 + years). and all rescues, I've never encountered this,  so I'm quite concerned. He is a 9 month old, 8 pound, long haired Chihuahua.. I would appreciate any feedback or help! Thanks so much in advance, I ruly appreciate it!!!

I don't claim to have much medical knowledge.  I think you can wait until morning and your regular vet.  You might take him to an area the other dogs don't have access to if he has more diarrhea.  That would make it less likely to spread anything including worms.