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Dog heat bleed time

19 11:30:38

Hi, I have adopted a English Cocker Spaniel that is five years old.  The prev owner told me she heats every six months.  I just would like to know if they heat for 1 - 3 weeks do they bleed for the whole time or just part of the time?

Hello, Not all dogs cycle every 6 months larger dogs cycle less often and realy small dogs cycle much more often. Every 5-8 months you can expect a cycle. The cycle last normaly 7/10 days the bloody discharge is normaly only for the first 5/7days then it changes color to orange then yellow which is almost invisable dogs will mate most of the cycle but are said to be most fertile in the lighter colored discharge days. If you might want a litter have it now as 5 to 6 years is retiring age for small breeding females.