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Ticks and behavior changes.

19 10:00:38

My golden retriever has had ticks for the last 2 weeks, I've tried frontline, special vet baths, washing every single carpet and sheet my golden has laid on with hot water and chlorine, and apparently they're dying now.
The thing is, for the last couple of days, my ever-friendly-hyperactive golden is sleeping almost all day, not defecating and still itching. I'm worried, I've never seen her like this. Should I take her to the vet for a checkup to see if ticks infected her of something? She is still eating and gets cheerful when we go out for walks, but she seems so tired and calm, so unlike her.
I would appreciate your advice!

Hola Claudia!

Si como no....Absolutely! Take your Dog to the Vet...they can get "Lyme's Disease"!!
So, asap take her..hope she is better.
Let me know what happens.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do.

A su Ordin,

P.S. there is also other products to choose from, if the Ticks are becoming Immune to Frontline..have your Vet get another one for you to try.

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