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doggie cage

19 9:45:42

If you leave a dog in a doggie cage for about 12 hours a day will it delay its development.

This is WAY too long for a dog to have to stay in a dog crate.  8 hours at a time is generally considered the MAXIMUM.

One of the main purposes of a dog crate is to help aid in housebreaking.  The dog doesn't want to eliminate in it's "house" so it learns to "hold it."  But if the dog really has to go and can't go anywhere but inside the crate, that's what it will learn to do.

Considering there are 24 hours in a day, any dog that's in a crate for 12 hours is spending HALF OF ITS LIFE in the crate.

Dogs need to be with the family members in order to get socialization; they are "pack" animals who need to be with the other members of their pack - YOU.

If this is the case with your dog, that it's in the crate for 12 hours at a time, PLEASE consider having a family member, friend, neighbor, pet sitter come to your home during that time to let the dog out and give it some attention and exercise.  

Leaving your dog alone for that many hours out of the day borders on cruelty.