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Minature Pinchers Coat

19 11:39:04

Hi, my dog in the last 1-2 yrs has had an increase in his coat. I can pull hair anywhere on his body and it comes out by the handfulls but doesn't leave an empty spot. It's almost as if he has too much hair and didn't shed properly or something. His coat isn't as shiny as it used to be and the Vet did a thyroid test on him which was negative. She said to give him omega 3 fish oil, which I have but still don't see a change. I'm just wondering what could be going on. I could brush him for hours and still not make much of a difference. Thanks for your advice!

Some dogs, when they are neutered, grow their coat differently... like Afghan hounds that are supposed to have a short-haired "saddle" along their topline tend to grow in longer, softer coat there after they have been neutered.

I would also guess that you need to change his diet to something more nutritious. Also brush him daily with a flat bristle brush to get that excess coat out and help to bring out the oils in his coat. I usually spray my coats with witch hazel, and then work the coat with both hands, by alternating the one with the brush with the palm of my other hand (right/left; right/left).

You could also bathe him with a good quality shampoo and then, while he is standing in the tub soaped up, gently go over his coat with a grooming (lava/pumice) stone. That will remove TONS of soft, dead coat, but make sure you have a GOOD strainer in the tub or you will be calling a plumber.
