Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > My dog barks to much at others outside her yard...

My dog barks to much at others outside her yard...

19 14:17:07


I have a 5 year old chocolate lab, female.  We had a dog next door up until last year when they moved.  They had had the dog for a couple years and while they were there our dog, Cocoa, started barking more at people walking down the street outside of her yard.  I think the other dog encouraged it because it barked alot from the day that they got the dog.  Now that Cocoa is the only dog within the two yards she continues to bark at people walking/joging by.  I know that a lot of the time she is wanting attention because if anyone approaches her she is very excited and her tail wags a lot.  I know she isn't barking for a lack of attention.  We have 4 kids, three of them not in school yet and my wife and I work from our home.  She gets a lot of attention and petting.  Do you have any advice on how to control her barking at others outside her yard?


Steve..this barking problem is common but could not have been caused by the other dog. Unfortunately the only way to correct it is to be outside with the dog while he is out and correct him every time...praise him when he stops also. This is what needs to be done.
and good luck