Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > nasty


19 13:53:19

my dog got a shot at the vet and ever since she has been nasty and mom is afraid she is going to kill people. she has always been so happy and nice until the shot. do you know whats up?

          dosn't wanna lose her dog

Thanks for your question.  What I would recommend is having your vet do a one on one alone time with her.  Let her know that you vet is not the enemy.  Its going to be a long process to get her back to her normal self if she is acting as bad as you say she is.  Work from step one as if you found a orphaned dog that you had to keep.  What would you do if it was a stray that you didnt know anything about.  Start off just feeding her in her own room.  She needs to stay in a small confined room 24/7.  Just opening the door to feed her and maybe give her a pat or two on the head.  This will be her room and she needs to know that until she stops acting the way that she is she will not be getting the luxury of going for walks,  laying around the house, or just seeing other dogs.  If she is an outside dog then you need to keep her in close quarters and doing the say thing that I told you for an inside dog.  It will be hard I know cause I had to go through it with a baby raccoon and it works.  Hope this helps.  Mail me back and let me know if you need anything else.
