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getting ym jrt sooner then planned...

19 14:20:54

Hello again, I have found a litter of jack russle terriers that will be ready to go on the 16th of this month, they are five weeks now and I'm going to see them to pick one out and put a deposit on one this sunday, I found the ad in a locle newspaper..... this is how I found my lab as well. The pups tails are docked, dew claws remopved and they will be getting there first shot on the 9th, I'v got everything exept the puppy, food & I still need a few more toys. I will be getting a male and as it turns out all four pups in that litter are males! Well I am now wondering if its possible to tell the subbmissive pups from the domante ones at five weeks of age? It also turns out that I am moving in with my mother shortly after I get the puppy, now she has those two bichon-shiztuz's,  they are free fed(I'll ahev to get them on shedualed meals, they are fed table scraps... which wil need to stop as my dog doesnt get table scraps neither will the puppy. Now these two dogs don't like my lab the one snarls if she bothers her the other is more passive and will just run away from my lab..... my lab loves them but I'm afriad they just don't feel the same way lol THe two dogs are slgihtly over weight and need a diet but they are so picky.... if you have any ideas on how to get them to like a better low fat food and stop wanting table scraps that would be great, As I said the pup will be eating Nutro narutal choice ultra puppy shortly after I get him I am wondering if changing him from his old food(not sure what brand yet) will be easy as smaller dogs mainly toy's seem to be very picky about what they eat(for instant the ones treats the two bichonX's will eat are beggin stirps they turn up there noses to any hard treats lol). Also what is the best thing to clean up "acctidents" with? would pure viniger work?

Also during the night I'm sure the pup will need to "go" again before I get up.... will it cry so I can get up and take it out?

And lastlywhat is the best way to introduce the pup to all the other dogs?

THank you for any help in advance.

Here is a good housebreaking article :

I have found a website that has very good instructions on housebreaking.  I have copied it for you here,  but if you want the url is is:
There is a book at this site that you can buy if you are interested.


    Puppy housebreaking can be accomplished by many different methods. Keep in mind that puppies are unable to fully control their bowels until they are a few months old.  You will have some success during the early months; however, you should expect a few accidents. To avoid difficult clean-ups, keep puppies supervised at all times until you are certain that your pup is housebroken. Once you allow your pup to urinate in the house, he is likely to return to the same spot the next time he has to relieve himself.

   Your puppy should be let outside to potty just before you retire for the night. Likewise, as soon as he wakes up in the morning, the first thing your pup will need to do is relieve himself. You should waste no time in taking him outside as soon as he awakes. When your pup hears you get up in the morning, it will be his signal to wake, so attend to him before going about your morning routine. Some pups may cry that they need to go outside at the first sign of light, and if you want a dry floor, it is usually necessary to immediately respond to their needs.

      Your pup will also have to relieve himself shortly after a meal, and will need to urinate more often during the summer when his water intake is higher. As soon as your pup finishes dinner, place him outside for several minutes until he potties. At other times, you may notice your pup sniffing the floor for a suitable place to relieve himself. He may whimper or start to squat. Scoop him up immediately and place him outside.                            

  Puppy Housebreaking may be quickened if your pup sleeps in his crate. Dogs dislike sleeping in a soiled area, and your pup will soon learn to wait until you let him out of his crate to do his business. Of course, it may take a few months before your pup is able to hold his bowels all night. As he gets older, he will have fewer and fewer accidents. Expect this, and never scold him for accidentally soiling his area at night.

    If your puppy does have an accident during the day, only scold him if you catch him in the act. If you scold him even a minute or two after he has pottied, it will confuse him because he will not know why he is being scolded. If, however, you catch him in the act of relieving himself in the house, pick him up and say "No" in a firm voice. Do not yell at the pup. Immediately take him to the outside area where you want him to potty. Never rub his nose in the mess or hit him; this will cause him to fear you and will make future obedience training more difficult. Be sure to clean the soiled area with a product intended for housebreaking accidents. It should be formulated to remove both the stain and the odor so your pup will not be tempted to soil the same spot.

     These training tips apply both to puppies and older dogs. For older puppies and dogs that continue to wet in the house, we recommend belly bands, which absorb wetness and prevent staining on carpets and furniture. click here

      Housebreaking pads help to quickly housebreak pups. These pads are scented with attractants, and will encourage your pup to eliminate on the pad and not on  your carpet.  For the first few weeks, when you cannot watch your pup in the house, confine him to an area with an easy-to-clean flooring such as a kitchen. Place the pad on the floor. Your pup will learn to relieve himself on the specially scented pad. Eventually, you can move the pad closer and closer to the back door, and then place the pad outside. Once your pup learns to use the outdoors to relieve himself, you will no longer need to use the pads.  

   Remember, you are the greatest aid to your puppy's  success. Be consistent and available to his needs. With your consistency, soon your pup will become completely trained.

Puppy Housebreaking Problems

Some common issues and what to do.

Tips below courtesy of Bobbi Owaster


When your pup says, "I am NOT going to go potty now!"

1.      Be very patient. Do not let the pup talk you into playing.

2.      Try to go to the same area, leave a scent pad for reminder.

3.      Be very quiet. DO NOT distract the pup from his purpose.

4.      Confine the pup in small area until outside success is achieved.

5.      Use another dog to prompt pup. Remember - no playing.

But I want to eat my feces!

1.      Brought on by example, influenced by the desire to be clean.

2.      Usually occurs when pup has been bored, alone, or confined.

3.      Use a product called Forbid.

4.      Can be hormonally triggered in females.

Diarrhea causes difficulty in housetraining!

1.      Remember when you couldn't hold it?

2.      Try to be patient as loose bowels create the need to go often.

3.      Could be caused by worms (even microscopic).

4.      If worms are present have your veterinarian de-worm, or use an over-the-counter wormer, following directions carefully.

5.      Could even be caused by the food you eat and share.

6.      Ask your vet about dosage before treating with Pepto Bismol, Imodium AD or other binder.

7.      If there is blood in the stool, contact your veterinarian right away.