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Adopting a puppy

19 13:53:51

We are going through a stray rescue to adopt a puppy.We have adopted pet 2 other times in the past years. These have taken place at our local Petsmart. Usually we just pick the pup we want pay the adoption fee and we are off.
This time we picked the pup and was told we had to have a home visit as well as fill out a application the involved over 40 questions including personal references.
All of this is fine with us. They told us they just wanna make sure we dont live in a apartment and have a fenced in yard.
But we are worried that we have 1 dog right now. She isnt agressive at all although she doesnt really like dogs who just jump right on her like puppies do when they play. On out previous pup we adopted 4 years ago it took her over a month to get used to it and stop running away from it.
Well the foster parent is bring the pup over for a vistit and to make sure it will be a good fit. I am worried she will see our current dog not real receptive of this new dog and then tell us its not a good fit. We spent over 4 weeks and looked at over 30 puppies till we found this one and just fell in love with him.I would hate to be told sorry we dont think this will be a good fit.
Is there anything i can do to keep my dog calm and not be scared. I would assume taking her for a long exercise session before then meeting is a good idea.But is there anything else i could do?

It is quite normal for a dog past the age of 3 not to like a new puppy.  Yes, do the long walk.  Also see if the worker will meet you somewhere other than your house initially, even down the block might help.  I am not completely convinced the neutral ground does much good, but it can't hurt.  Likely the worker is used to displeased older dogs, and shouldn't have a problem with yours unless it is aggressive.