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dog whines

19 11:56:58


  My female dog just started to whine about 4 days ago---she will pick-up and carry around her lettle green rubber squeak toy and whine---she will also get up into a chair or on the bed and curl up to sleep, and she will also put the rubber toy down buy her belly and lay with it their while she sleeps.

    The whining and carrying it is of concern??? any notions on this will be appreciated

Hi Edward!
Has your dog been spayed?  If not, she may be experiencing a false pregnancy. Female dogs will do this sometimes when they go into heat. They think they are pregnant and will adopt a toy as their "baby". I  think it's cute, but maybe a man wouldn't  If she has been spayed, I still think it's the same thing, it just ordinarily happens to females after being in heat. She may or may not give up her "baby".  Check her nipples, they sometimes are swollen and even can produce milk!  If  this happens, you may need to take her to a Vet. The Vet can give her an injection to dry them up. Good luck!

God Bless,