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Dogs scared

19 11:59:34

I have a 1 1/2 yr old shit-zu, she has always been very attached to me never leaves my side does not even play with my other dogs. My friend came over for the first time and she ran and cried a loud sound when she saw him. My cousin came over another time she pooped then cried. I was in bed and my brother walked in the dark and she cried then peed she has never done that to him before. What is making her cry so much? This has all happened in  the last month.

Hi Summer. Sounds like she's just VERY attached to you & she hasn't been socialized enough when she was younger. Try taking her on walks in the park where she can be around many people. She'll realize that nothing bad is going to happen. Ask your friends to call her name when they enter the house & they should talk really happy to her. Don't hold her in your lap or close to you, this will only reinforce her hiding behind you. Maybe let them give her a little treat or play with a toy. It will just talk some time & a lot a reassurance for her to realize other people are ok. Good luck & let me know if you need anything else!