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black labs ears

19 11:31:20

I have a 1 year old black lab. I live in Southern Ca. He has recently developed small bumps on the inside of his ears. The bumps are not in the canal but on the inside of the flappy part. I do not see any discharge or inside irritation. The bumps are a little red. I do treat him monthly with flea medicine. Any thoughts?

Many dogs get allergies from dairy products (cheese mostly)and certain dog foods and outside seasonal. When they get allergies most of them get redness and swollen and could have bumps on the skin of the inside of their ears. Some Docs may call this HOTSPOTS. A half of a Benadryl a day may help and test his intake of food by eliminating one item per week to see if there is any changes. If he starts getting worse symptoms than what he has than take him right to the vet. Sincerely, Angela