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Beagle bit granddaughter

19 13:57:46

We took in a 2 yr old Beagle thats been about a month now maybe 2.Shes appeared to be a good girl up until now, this morning she bit my granddaughter on the leg and has left a horrible bruise.Shes only 3 and lives with us as well and she can be very rambunxious at times.I'm just worried this will happen again and be worse.What can I do about this ? Or what would you suggest ?
Also the dog had a tick in her ear I removed last week and disposed of but its left a sore there ,is there something I should do for it or will it just heal itself. Thank so much

Hi Dawn,  I would need some more information on to what lead up to your granddaughter getting bitten.  What were they doing?  Were they roughhousing, has he been around children that young before?  Could she have possibly hurt him?  Did he break skin?  If not, it almost sounds like she accidently hurt him and he reacted.  If he was intentionaly biting, he would definitely break skin.  As far as the tick, the only thing you have to worry about is him getting lyme disease.  Keep an eye out on him not getting sick for a couple of weeks due to the bite from the tick.  Let me know the answers to the questions above and I should be able to give you more info on the biting incident.
