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19 9:12:18


1. I wanted to ask that if we keep 2 MALE dogs from puppy hood and raise them together from birth, will they engage in territorial dispute later on? For e.g, if there are 2 male Pitbulls/Rottweilers and they have lived together all their life. But can they be trained to guard a place together amicably?

2. Some dogs during puppy hood, are kept in deplorable conditions. They are not fed well in their childhood. Hence the base of their body frame remains weak and undeveloped. I remember that while we were buying a Bully Kutta we also saw some specimens that were quite smaller in size then expected and were so thin that their backbone was visible. I was shocked by their condition. They looked more like hounds/ pointer hybrid then a huge mollosoid. An expert then told us that these dogs are pure but now their "base" has been destroyed and now no matter how much we feed them, they cannot improve their appearance.
On this, I have a theory that after we exercise a dog, the dog's muscle and bones become slightly tender and that is a good time to give him proteins and calcium. I got the inspiration from a tip about bodybuilding. Is my theory accurate?

3. I have read a dozen articles about training a guard dog to guard a tract of land which is without any wall or boundary. But how effective is it? Is it a god substitute for a wall? After all, no matter how well trained a dog is, he may most likely chase something, a bitch in heat most likely.



Hi Raiden,

In a previous message, you said you didn't want the puppy your family was planning on getting, and now you're getting two puppies?!

EVERYTHING comes down to how well you train and socialize a dog (or dogs). If you can't do this, there will be behavioral issues that could include aggression. It's also best to neuter male puppies at around the age of 5 or 6 months, or earlier. This will cut down on the likelihood of aggression between the dogs, and eliminate the desire to roam when a female dog comes into heat.

I wouldn't buy a puppy that came from deplorable conditions. There is a good chance the puppy would be ill, poorly socialized, and undernourished.  Deplorable conditions is your big clue that  the "breeder" cares nothing about the betterment of the breed or health of the puppies, and is only breeding dogs for the money. Should you decide to buy from this breeder, the sale should be contingent upon a veterinary exam.

If a dog receives the proper diet, it doesn't need a calcium supplement. Too much calcium can make a dog sick.  Your best bet is a commercially made dog or puppy food that is nutritionally complete, unless you'd rather consult with a veterinary nutritionist and make a homemade dog food diet.  You also shouldn't over exercise a puppy! It can cause health issues later in life. A puppy needs to be feed a "puppy diet" for it's first full year to ensure it gets the nutrition it needs. Ask your veterinarian to suggest a diet, and whether supplements of any kind are needed.

It's possible to have a dog that  a dog will stay in a tract of land without walls or fencing, but that requires you train the dog to stay in that area. Until the dog learns the restrictions, it would need to be contained or supervised.

Best of luck,