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Lab bitch

19 14:11:43

Have a bout with Fleas used the med that is put on back .That seamed to make her skin very red and irratable and she has very red eyes usely in the morning.She had tape worms from the fleas thats ok now.but thered skin and the scratching won't quit.Do you hae any idea,could it be her dog food (DAD's) thank you  

She may be allergic to the type of flea med you used.  She could be allergic to the dog food, or it could be something else.  It's hard to tell with allergies.  Unless you take her to the vet for testing, then you won't really know.  You could try to change her food and see what happens.  If she gets better, then you'll know that's it.  It's going to be a trial and error.  She may just need an allergy shot from your vet, and that may be an easier route than trying to figure out what it is.  
Good luck and God Bless!