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Pomeranian in Heat

19 11:53:02

ok, i know this sounds really bad but I have a 9mo old female pom and think she may be in heat, I don't know a thing about a female in heat.  Could you tell me how often and for how long they are in heat?

Hello Mekisha, It does not sound bad, you are learning things as your puppy is growing.  Here is what you experience when a dog goes into heat.  You may notice a slight swelling of the vulva for approx. 3 days then bleeding for approx. 7 days,  she will stop bleeding and is able to get pregnant at this time for appox. 7 days and then it's another 7 days going out when the vulva will begin to go back to normal size.  So it's a 21 day cycle.  7 going in...7 in ... and 7 going out.  And in 6 months it will come again. I hope this helps. Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)