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limit to number of dogs under one roof?

19 11:11:34

Hello Labman I have thre dogs and would like another in a few years...actually my three are spayed/neutered and I want to get into breeding small scale(NOT for money!) so in the future would have 2-4 more dogs then I have now(in 2-3 years) I was wondering if you know of any Limits on number of dogs that can legaly be kept under one roof? I wouldn't think so since many breeders have 5-10+ dogs at any given time plus puppies, I'm not sure but thought it'd be a good idea to ask. Thank you Sir,


I think most regulation of limits on dogs is locally based.  Your best source of info might be the local animal control office.  

We have no great need for more breeders.  We are slaughtering millions of dogs a year for lack of homes.  if you have room in your heart and house for more dogs, why not become part of the solution by helping a breed rescue?  See  Your local shelter may even need people to foster dogs.