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breed with lab persoanlity/temperment but smaller?

19 11:11:33

I was wondering if there is a Purebred dog out there with the temperment/personality and inteligence of a labrador retreiver that is Much smaller..... 15-25 pounds? and any with a simaler coat? I dislike long coated dogs. Thank you

Hi Tara,

Every dog is an individual, when you expect a dog to have a certain temperament, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment, there are an awful lot of neurotic Labradors.  Within any breed there is a wide degree of personalities, because so much of what a puppy grows up to be is due to it's breeding, training, and home life. A puppy is just a potential.

That said, breeds you may want to consider are:

Border Terrier (a stiffer coat than a Lab)
Boston Terrier
Cairn Terrier (a stiffer coat than a Lab)
French Bulldog
Italian Greyhound
Norwich Terrier (a stiffer coat than a Lab)

You can also try one of these free dog breed selectors, that take your wants, and lifestyle into account when suggesting a breed of dog:

If you are really looking for a certain personality, then consider adopting an adult dog who's been evaluated for temperament.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,