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Dog Fell, help please??!!

19 10:56:47

Hi Cindi, My dog jumped from the sink and fell. She's a bichon frise. I was right beside her washing her after her walk and she just jumped. Right after she did her bichon blitz like normal and didn't yelp at all. But is it possible to trigger seizures in the future/get a concussion? cuz i heard dogs can start getting seizures from previous trauma but I'm not sure if this is considered trauma becuase it didn't SEEM to hurt her. Also could it cause a patella to slip or hurt her joints without hurting her?:S If its needed I will take her to the vets. Just getting an opinion first.

One more thing, I'm really paranoid about her hurting her joints.  We were playing in the snow and she jumped off a snowbank (about 2 feet) is it possible to hurt her elbows/shoulders?

Thanks, Jessie

It could cause a head injury that results in seizures, and yes it could cause a patella injury or joint injury (though I think you're ok with the snow bank ). But if she's shown no symptoms of pain or injury, then you're fine, and so is she :).
What a great concerned owner you are :).
Best of luck