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doggy paws and ears

19 11:31:31

Hello, my dog seems to get grass stains on his paw pads... I'd never heard of his happening before? Does it sound normal to you? They tend to be gone at night time because i think he licks them all off.

Also, is there any way of telling the difference between a dog having an bacterial/fungal infection or just ear mites? id like to try a home remedy if i could tell which one he has!

Thankyou for your time!!

Hi Rita,

The grass stains on your dog's pads aren't anything to worry about. For that matter, if your dog eats grass it isn't anything to be concerned about either. The only problems would arise if the grass was treated with chemicals.

Ear infections are a common problem for dogs. Consequently, ear mites are often a problem that accompany an infected ear. The two most common infections are "Otitis Externa", infection of the ear canal, and "Otitis Media", the infection of the middle ear.
The cause of the ear canal infection, is most commonly bacterial or yeast related. It can also be a result of wax build up, thick or matted hair in the canal, debris, impaired drainage of the ear, mite infestations are a secondary result of another bodily infection.

Because it's possible that your dog has both a bacterial/fungal infection and ear mites, you should have your dog examined by your vet so the proper medication can be dispensed.

Once this current problem is cleared up, you can help your dog avoid future ear infections by practicing preventative care at home. A weekly ear cleaning with a veterinarian recommended ear-cleansing solution can minimize or prevent infection. Additionally, if your dog has a lot of hair inside his earflaps, gently and carefully cutting that hair (just making it shorter, not removing it completely ) is also a good form of prevention. The shorter ear hair can allow for better air circulation, which helps prevent yeast infections.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,