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Possible disk damage - Dachsund/Cocker Mix

19 14:24:01

A little over two years ago, we adopted a rescue that we believed to be about a year old at the time (making him about 3-1/2 now).  Our vet believes him to be a dachsund/cocker mix.  He is the calmest, most precious dog you've ever been around.  

He's a little bit overweight because he just has never been extremely active.  We go for walks several times a week, and to a park to run off-leash at least once per week.  

A couple of weeks ago, he stopped wanting to climb the stairs or get up on the couch unassisted (his favorite place to be).  He also cried out in pain a couple of times when we were lifting him up.  He began to get progressively more lethargic until on about the fourth day, I took him to the emergency clinic.  He had no fever, and when they examined him, he flinched when the vet pressed on a specific spot on his spine.  X-rays showed nothing but the vet suggested he might be in the beginning stages of disk damage.  

He put him on Prednozone.  The Rx was to give him one half pill twice daily for five days, then titrate him down to one half pill once daily for five days, then a half pill every other day for five doses.  He has three half pills left in his scrip.  

Of course, once he got on the Prednozone, he began to feel better.  We've restricted his activity to only going out to potty.  We carry him up and down stairs and only put him on furniture when someone is there to watch him and make sure he won't jump off.  We lift him carefully from underneath his belly.  

Yesterday was the first day he'd gone 48 hours between doses.  I noticed he seemed more lethargic yesterday, even after taking the meds.  I've already spent $300 on this situation.  I really want a second opinion, and I want to know what his future holds but I can't afford to spend endless amounts of money.

The vet said to try to get some weight off him, so I put him on a reduced calorie food.  He likes it but he begs for more...he's never begged at ALL.  So I think he's just downright hungry.  Also, I know he needs some fact, if he's going to lose weight, I need to increase the amount from what he was getting before.  But how can I if we need to continue to restrict his activity?  How long SHOULD we restrict his activity?  And is there something that can be done to prevent the disk damage from progressing?

I had a Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix that literally "blew out" a disk (he was incredibly hyper, as you can imagine) and was instantly paralyzed in his back legs.  I can't bear the thought of going through that again.  

I'm sorry for the length of this, but I would appreciate any advice you can offer.  

Bj Hickman

Hi BJ,

I'm sure sorry to hear about your dog stress!  I know how tough it can be.

My best advise would be for you to get this dog to an animal chiropractor right away.  I can't guarantee that this will be "the cure" but since the vet has ruled out any broken parts, it seems to me that it's the next step.  You can ask around for a referral, or you can go to for a certified doctor in your area.  

Please keep me posted as to your progress, and good luck,

Dr Larry