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heat cycle

19 9:28:02

Ive had a pitbull since she was about 2 1\2 months and shes a year now n have not had a heat cycle yet is there a problem thanks

Dogs come into heat anywhere from 4 months to 18 months.  Pits usually come in before 1 year old, but there is always the exception to the rule.  If she hasn't come into heat soon, have her checked by a vet.  Try to find one that knows about breeding.  
I hope, if you are going to breed her, that you are a responsible breeder and will make sure the pups go to good homes where they will be happy and taken care of so they come to no harm.
What is on my mind is that I was watching pitboss on tv and they were at a dog pound and there were sooooo many pits there on death row.