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Fem. Pitbull Puppy Feeding

19 13:41:56

I have a female pitbull who just recently gave birth to nine puppies. She used to let them feed regularly but now she avoids them when they try. She runs around any way she can to get away from the puppies. Is there any reason this would happen? What would you suggest I do? Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.  

I'd take her into the vet to see if there is possibly a painful infection of any of the teats that is prohibiting her nursing her puppies without sever pain. You can check yourself but its going to need to be treated at the vets. In the mean time gets puppy milk replacement pre mixed is more expensive then powder which you'd mix yourself. Feed every two to three hours round the clock until tehre a bit bigger, You can use a pupoy/kitten feeding bottle or eye droppers.